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Chapter 21

Writer's picture: Lanese Dell Lanese Dell

Hello everyone!

I turned 21 on Thursday and I want to use this post to talk a little bit about how I celebrated it along with thanking everyone who wished me a happy birthday and/or came to my small party. I appreciate it a lot, especially with trying to celebrate it during a pandemic. I had a lot of fun and it was so great to spend time with family and friends while I was back home.

My sister Ana came to spend the night at my apartment so we could leave the following morning to go back home. She got here late and we both know that she would have been extremely tired if she drove back that same night so she slept over at my place. We watched a little bit of Hell's Kitchen and at midnight I drank a Dos Equis. The taste of the beer is quite interesting and I liked it for the most part.

The drive home was long but it didn't feel that way. It felt quite short which I was shocked by. When I got home, I managed to convince my dad to buy me alcohol as my birthday gift and I had Red Robin as my birthday dinner which was great! The alcohol that my dad bought me was Bailey's Strawberry & Cream and Jack Daniel's Gentleman Jack. The Bailey's was split between my mom, sister, and me and it was really good. I highly recommend it to anyone else who wants to try.

On Friday, I got my curling cut done. I love the way that my hair turned out and the hairstylist did such a good job and gave me some helpful tips for my curly hair which was great! After that, I spent some time with my cousin at her new house before getting my nails done. Just letting you know that my nail tech did such a good job and I absolutely love my nails. (All pictures will be posted at the end of the post)

Saturday was the day of my party. I drank a little bit of my whiskey at the party. I drank enough to get drunk but not too much to where I was a sloppy, messy drunk who can't get it together or even know what she's doing. The food was absolutely great and it was from my favorite place to eat: Brooklyn Pizzeria. My cousin got the cake for me from the lady that she gets her cake from and it was so good! I wish that I took some of it with me to Charlotte!! I was so glad that I could have a small party with family and friends before I went back to Charlotte.

My 21st birthday was a blast and I'm definitely never going to forget any of it. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and that your week goes just as well!

Until next time!~

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