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  • Writer's pictureLanese Dell

Week 11 to 14: Finals Are Coming

Hey everyone! I know that it has been quite a while since I've written a post on my blog and I deeply apologize for not being consistent with my posts. This will probably be my second to last or last blog post that I do for this semester unless anything changes.

I've been busy with school and work for the most part but now that I'm finally at the end of the semester a lot of things have slowed down which I'm really happy about. I felt like I haven't really gotten a break at all this semester with all of the schoolwork that I've had to do throughout the semester. It certainly didn't help that we didn't have a fall break or any mental health days. I'm sure that even if my university gave students at least 2-3 days off for mental health, students would've been really thankful for it, especially since they got rid of our fall break with the schedule that they decided to go with.

I've already taken one of my finals for this semester so I'm one final down and two more to go! The final was for my Media Law class which has been one of the best classes that I've had all semester. It's also been one of the easiest classes I've ever had and I'm so glad that I've done pretty well in the class. My professor has been really great with making things so easy and being extremely understanding due to the various situations students could be experiencing during this pandemic and trying to manage schoolwork and jobs on top of that. I really do hope that a lot of the professors at my university could be more like her but I've heard some horror stories from some of my friends when I've asked them about how their semester has been going so far.

The other two finals that I have are next week. The next one that is coming up is for my Mass Media class and my professor for that class is opening up the test early so I have from the 21st to 1:30 p.m on the 22nd to take the final. This is going to be my hardest final that I've probably ever taken. The midterm for her class was pretty hard so I can only imagine how hard this final is going to be and I've been studying as much as I can so I can be as prepared as I possibly can for this final. I really need to pass this class. My graduation rides on whether or not I'm able to pass this class. The other final that I have is for my Presidency class and that is on the 23rd and I have to take it between 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. This is going to be a pretty easy final so I'm not too worried about it. I'll probably study for it the day before and the day of the final so that I have an idea of what I want to write in responses to the four questions that I'm going to have to answer.

I'm going to be moving out of my apartment pretty soon. I have someone that is going to take over my sublease and they'll be moving in on January 2nd. My dad is coming to pick me up from Charlotte this coming Saturday and he told me to just pack everything up so we can take everything back to Fayetteville when he comes to pick me up on Saturday. This is going to be a bit stressful for me since I'm going to be studying for finals while also packing up everything in my apartment. I'm honestly not looking forward to it and I'm already stressing about it just thinking about it which isn't a good sign. I just hope that I can get it all done since some of my hours for work this week are a bit off so I'm going to take advantage of any free time that I have to pack up my stuff.

Well, I think that I'm going to have to end it right here. I'm watching the Broncos and Panthers play against each other.

Until next time!~

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