Hello everyone!
Spring break has finally arrived and I am so happy about it! It has been a long and stressful week with all of the assignments that I had to do this week.
In my African Studies class (LBST), I had a test on Black America and Still I Rise Documentary. I watched all four hours of the movie and even studied the transcripts along with the notes I took while in class and I got a 79. I honestly don't know how that happened because I went by the information from the movie, notes, and transcripts. My essay that she had in the test has yet to be graded. I'm not too upset because I still have a B in the class but I don't understand how I got so many questions wrong on the test.
For my Statistics class, I had a quiz on Monday, part one of the test on Wednesday, and part two of the test on Friday. Part one of my teacher's tests are always multiple choice. It was kind of hard. I was able to narrow the problems that I had trouble with down to five problems. I eventually figured out how to solve three of them but by the time I got done with that, I had three minutes left for the test so I guessed on the last two. I struggled a bit with part two of the test, too. The first one was confusing for me because there wasn't a number for the standard deviation that was needed for the formula so I had to finesse that question a little bit. If I get somewhat of a low score on that test (C), then I won't be upset because it was really hard and I studied and went to tutoring in order to prepare for the quiz and both parts of the test.
We didn't do much in Communication Theory class. My teacher realized that he messed up on the key for the test so he gave us all an extra two points since that's how much each question was worth. We started on chapter three this week from the book. I think that this is going to be one of the hardest chapters because of the vocabulary and it can get confusing with some of the concepts. I'm definitely going to have to go to either my teacher's office or Gordon's office for help because I feel like I am going to have trouble with some of the concepts. I have worked ahead on taking notes from the textbook so I know a little bit of what we're going to be learning in class after Spring break.
I talked to Dr. Crane about the questions that I got wrong on my test. He said that even though I got confused with one of the hardest concepts, I am still doing good in the class and that he thinks that I'm going to do well on the next test. I got encouraged from him saying that to me.
As for my Spanish class, we had a composition on Friday that counts for 10% of our overall grade. I think that I did decent on it and I hope that I at least get an 80 on the composition. I am doing everything I can to bring up my grade in the class. I am also going to study during spring break since I have to take the lesson twelve exam when I go back to UNC Charlotte after spring break. If I get higher than an 88 on the composition, I will be super happy because it'll bring up my grade to a B. I know that C is still passing for classes but I have yet to get a C in any of my classes since I've been in college. I hope that this class isn't the first C that I get.
Even with all of that going on this week, I have found time to watch some documentaries on Netflix. I watched one about the Mossad and then I'm watching one about the war in Pacific during World War 2. Each episode is about two hours long because of all the information that's within those episodes and the lives that they're focusing on.
I don't know if I talked about this at all on here but my account got deactivated for tutoring center. I can still go to drop-in tutoring for what I need help on but I just can't schedule an appointment with a tutor anymore. It's frustrating because I really need help in some of the classes that I have been going to tutoring for and I feel like that doesn't help students who need it. It's not allowing students to use the resources that the school provides for them. My account got deactivated because I cancelled a tutoring appointment within the four hours I was supposed to go but I wouldn't have been able to make it because of my Communication Theory exam and I had a meeting come up at the last minute for one of the clubs I'm involved in. My case is still being looked at by the supervisor and I hope that it gets resolved quickly.
One of the best things that has happened to me was that my first sports article was posted on Niner Times. I did a baseball recap of the Canisius vs Charlotte games that happened last weekend. It was my first baseball game and it was super fun! I don't know much about baseball other than the basics of it so I believe that I did good. I'm more into football, soccer, hockey, and track and field sports and I can't wait to do articles on those sports because I am going to enjoy doing it so much! The only downside to that is I'm going to try to make it as perfect as I possibly can since I am such a huge fan of those sports.
I haven't really gotten into politics on any of my posts that I've made on here. I am planning on doing those posts over the summer. But, I have thrown my support behind one of the presidential candidates from the political party. The person that I have thrown my support behind is someone that I have been following for the past year or so. I think he's a good candidate and personally, I would like to see him in office.
Cory Booker has some good ideas and follows an agenda that I also believe in even though I do agree with Republicans on certain issues. All of the candidates are great and all of them have good ideas and want to change issues that truly matter but I think Cory Booker has a good way of going about it.
For example, Bernie Sanders is a well-known socialist in the Democratic Party and so is AOC (we're not going to go into detail about her though). Even with his socialist beliefs, he has good ideas that can help out college students and middle class families but I personally don't believe that this country is ready for a socialist president. I want there to be a president in office that both parties can support and work on issues that need to be changed in our country. I think it will be tough for Bernie to do that because the Republicans will not want to work with someone who is a socialist.
Regardless, I am excited to see how all of the candidates are going to do in their fun for the White House. I am going to do what I can to get more involved in politics and I am going to see if I can be a part of Cory Booker's team in my local area of Fayetteville and while I'm in school at Charlotte.
I hope that everyone has a good spring break and that you were make it through this tough week without too much trouble! If you're not on spring break for college, please keep working hard and push through. Do everything that you can to keep your grades up and take advantage of the resources that your school provides for you. You're paying for it so you might as well use it while you're attending college there.
~ See you next time! ~