Hello everyone! This post is going to be really short this week since nothing really happened this week other than studying mainly.
I'm doing my weekly post a little late and I am going to try to post the video for tomorrow up as soon as I can since I have to cover two baseball games this weekend so I'll be slightly busy with that.
I had a quiz in my stats class on Wednesday and I think that it went well. I did it with my usual group that I do the quizzes with in my stats class and we usually get pretty good grades on them so I have some confidence about it. I signed up for a tutoring session to prepare for chapter 10 quiz and then I am going to sign up for another tutoring appointment to prepare for the final test in class this semester before the final exam.
I have been studying for my Comm Theory exam this coming Tuesday and I have also been practicing my speech for my Liberal Studies class. I really need to get good grades on both of those and I am doing what I can to get my grades to an A/keep my grades at an A in both of those classes.
I'm going home two weekends in a row and I'm super excited about it. I can't wait to drive my car because I honestly miss driving my car. The good thing is that I get paid before I go back home so I'll be able to put gas in my car if I have to. I'm going to try to hang out with my friends as much as I can while I'm at home.
I'm also going to be working a lot of hours this month due to reviews for the college of architecture so I'm going to do the best that I can to post all of my articles on time towards the end of the month since that's when the reviews start. I'm also going to bring home my winter clothes since I don't need them here anymore because the weather is getting warmer in Charlotte.
My first final is on May 2nd and the last one is on May 7th. I won't be able to go home until either May 10th or May 11th though.
I'm sorry that this post is kind of short but I want to get the article posted before midnight. I hope that everyone is had a good week and has a good weekend!
~ See you next time! ~