Hey guys!
I am so sorry about being late on doing this! I went home this weekend and was spending time with my family and friends! I hope you guys can understand! :)
My fifth week of classes has been, by far, the most stressful week for me since I have been a student at UNC Charlotte. On Tuesday night, I was on the phone with my dad crying because of the workload piling up on me even though I have been doing everything I can to be ahead in my classes. I think that it is only getting stressful because midterms are coming up soon and teachers are giving us assignments so they can put in their midterm grades. I am still doing my best to stay ahead in my classes and I am going to take advantage of all of the free time that I am going to have tomorrow to stay ahead. I am hoping that this is going to relieve some of the stress that I have been experiencing lately. Pray for me!
My grades are still good in all of my classes. I am going to take the first exam for my online class on Wednesday, February 20th. A classmate of mine in Communication Theory told me that it's a super easy exam but I am still quite nervous about it because my teacher says that most students fail on the first try. I only need a 70% to earn a Pass for the class so even if I get a 75%, I'll be satisfied and I can take more time to focus on my other classes.
I need to call NinerCentral to ask for help to do my IRS Data Retrieval Tool in order to receive FAFSA for the next school year. I am extremely nervous because I am unsure of how much of my personal information is going to be revealed when I do go get help. I am going to go to NinerCentral tomorrow to ask for help after my class. I hope that they are able to help me that way I don't have to worry about this anymore and have a higher chance of receiving a decent amount of financial aid for next year. I already know, for sure, that it's going to be a lot more than what I have paid for this semester. The only good thing is that I will go back to being a FWS next semester so I am definitely going to receive a lot more aid from my job next year compared to this semester.
One thing that I do want to say is that I will probably have to limit my posts to being twice a week. I don't know if I have mentioned about doing that before on here but I want to give myself time to work on my schoolwork. The two posts will either be of me doing my end of the week and my Get To Know series or my end of the week post and a Sims video. I have not completely decided yet but I will update you guys once I have figured that out! Or, you may just find out through my future posts since there will be a pattern that develops from that.
I was thinking about doing an internship during the summer but my dad told me that he wants me to relax for a bit since I started going to school at UNC Charlotte. I just became a News Intern and Sports Intern for the Student Niner Media but I still want to gain more experience that would look good on my resume for future employers. I am going to ask my dad about a potential City View internship and see how that goes for when I'm at home during the summer. I don't really care if it's paid or not. I just want to gain experience and gain skills that can benefit me in the future.
I honestly can't believe that I'm close to being halfway done with the semester. It sure doesn't feel like it but I can tell that time has flown by. The weather is starting to get warmer, slowly but surely, because spring is right around the corner. I can't wait for it! I hate the cold! Last week, it was super warm but it's predicting that this week is going to be cold. Thank you, bipolar North Carolina.
Also, I have gained 6 pounds within the past month. When I was at home this weekend, I weighed myself and I was 107.2 pounds. I am so happy that I am finally gaining weight and being able to keep it on! This hasn't happened in a long time and I texted a lot of my friends about it! Most of them congratulated me about it and I was thankful to them for that. I hope to gain at least ten more pounds before my semester ends and I think I can do that!
Thank you to everyone that has been reading my posts and telling me how much they enjoy my blog! I appreciate it a lot! I hope you enjoy the content that I will be posting on here in the future! I hope that everybody had a wonderful weekend and that this week goes amazing for you.
~ See you next time! ~