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Ninth Week of Classes

Writer's picture: Lanese Dell Lanese Dell

Hello everyone!

As I am doing this post, I am currently at a track meet and I haven't been to one in such a long time so I'm super happy about it. I came to watch Kendrick and my friend Jade do their events. Kendrick's event has already past and Jade's event starts in less than three hours.

This week has been pretty stressful and it has been tough for a little bit to get back into the swing of things after coming back from Spring break. My account finally got reactivated after arguing based on emotion on why my account should be reactivated. I'm glad that it worked.

The hardest class for me, right now, is Intro to Statistics. We just started on chapter 8 this week and we are going to finish it up on Monday and start on chapter 9 on that same day. My friend is allowing me to use his Chegg account for the homework assignments for the class and I'm glad because if he didn't let me use it, I would be struggling for the rest of the semester.

The next hardest class is Intro to Comm Theory. It's because of the chapter that we're currently on and we have a lot of terms to learn for this chapter. I like what we're learning so far in the class and the concepts that we are covering are very interesting. Dr. Crane had us do an extra credit quiz on Thursday and it was pretty hard. I did four of the words and then I turned it in because I couldn't recall anything further than that. We only have one more chapter to learn after this and I'm hoping that I understand those concepts pretty well once we start covering it.

My African studies class isn't too bad. I finally started researching on my topic and it's a controversial topic. It also makes me very angry on what happened during the administration that I am studying. I may post the research paper here under my blog once it's finally complete. If I do post it on here, it will be under politics and issues. The only part Im nervous about when it comes to the research paper is doing the presentation. I type different in research paper compared to how I talk and I know that I am probably going to get very emotional doing this research paper.

My easiest class right now is my Spanish class but that's mainly because I can get through the online assignments and I am starting to understand the concepts of what we are learning a little bit more. I am still waiting on grades for my composition one and exam two. I hope that they get graded soon so I can see whether or not my grade goes up. I think that I did well on those and I am hoping that they increase my grade to a B but we'll have to see once she posts the grades.

I am at my aunt's house for the weekend to celebrate my cousin's birthday party that's tomorrow. I am hoping that he will enjoy it since he is super shy like me, we'll just have to see how it goes.

I hope that everyone had a good week in college if you're a college student. Hopefully, spring break didn't throw you guys off too much.

~ See you guys next time! ~

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