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  • Writer's pictureLanese Dell

Questions: Part Nineteen

Hello everyone!

I've been doing well with posting on time with the last couple of posts so let's hope that this continues! I hope that everyone has had a good weekend!

Question #91: When you got caught for doing something wrong as a child, did you blame someone else, deny you did it, run and hide, or take responsibility?

- I usually either blamed it on someone else or denied that I did it and find someone to blame for what happened. I did this to avoid getting in trouble because I got into a lot of trouble at home growing up so I kind of wanted to avoid that from happening more so I would find someone to blame. I would usually blame my brother because I noticed that if he did something wrong, that he wouldn't get in as much trouble for it in comparison to my older sisters and I. I remember one time I accidentally broke my dad's drawer to his desk when I kicked it. I don't know how a 7 year old's kick could be that strong but apparently mine was and I knew that I would get in big trouble if he found out so then I ran to my brother's room and I said, "Hey Andrew, if dad asks about what happened to his desk, say that you did it." My brother said "Okay." When my dad came home, he was mad about the desk and went around asking who did it and my brother said, "It was my fault." Almost immediately, my dad stopped yelling and said, "Aww okay bud, just be careful when you're sitting at my desk next time."

I just sat there so shocked that it worked and because of how drastically my dad mood changed once he found out who did it. I did that for a couple of months until my dad figured out that it was actually me blaming what I did on my brother.

Question #92: What from your childhood proved most valuable?

- I'm unsure if this question is asking about a lesson I learned from my childhood or an item from my childhood so this is kind of tough to answer. I guess what proved most valuable from my childhood is that when my dad made a list for me in order to help me out in school. I was a very shy kid growing up so I didn't really talk to anybody nor did I have a lot of friends. It was also hard asking help or asking questions in class because I was too scared to do it and I was afraid that what I would say would sound stupid to my other classmates. The number one thing on the list was "Ask for help if you need it." And my dad would always tell me to do that every single day before I left for school. Eventually, I was able to overcome that and I took the list down because I didn't need it anymore.

The only bad part about this is that I am, once again, slightly afraid to ask for help in class. And it's not because I'm too scared or afraid of what my classmates may think but that my anxiety makes it hard for me to do that.

Question #93: When you were young, were you allowed to complain when the going got tough?

- It depended on what I was complaining about. Sometimes, my parents didn't mind it and allowed me to talk about what was upsetting me but at other times, they showed some tough love about what I was complaining about.

Question #94: What fads did you embrace while growing up?

- I embraced a lot of fads growing up to try to fit in and then my parents would also buy me clothes that they thought were in style. When I was younger and lived in California, I wore overalls a lot. During elementary school in North Carolina, I wore crocs a lot until I saw that they were going out of style in middle school. Now, they're back in style but I'm not going to get them because I think that they're the weirdest looking shoes. And when I was going through my emo phase, I would wear the clothes that were popular amongst that group which meant that I was at Hot Topic quite a lot.

Question #95: What were you most afraid of?

- The fear that I have had since I was a child is the fear of heights. I don't know where or how I got that fear from but it used to be really bad when I was little. I was super scared when I got on the plane to go from California to North Carolina and the only way to calm me down was to have me eat candy while on the flight. I've gotten better with my fear of heights but there are still some rides at amusement parks I won't get on due to that fear.

Those are all of the questions for this part! The hardest question to answer for this part was #93 because it really depended on what I was complaining about and I couldn't give a good example of it because a lot of my memories from when I was that young is very blurry now.

I hope that you all enjoyed reading this part and enjoyed getting to know me a little bit more.

~ See you next time! ~

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