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Questions: Part Seventeen

Writer's picture: Lanese Dell Lanese Dell

Hello everyone!

Can you believe I am doing two posts in one day? I can't believe it but I'm still doing it anyways. If you haven't already checked it out, the other post I made today is of me uploading a new video to my YouTube channel. The link to the video is in the post so be sure to check it out and watch the video!

Let's get on with the questions now, shall we?

Question #81: Do you remember your most embarrassing moment?

- The most embarrassing moment would have to be in sixth grade whenever my teacher was critiquing me very harshly on a paper that I wrote for class. I thought that it was good and I just went up to her to get her thoughts on it but she didn't think that it was good at all and started telling me how bad it was. I can handle ciriticism but I cannot handle when a person is being rude or seems like they're being rude on something that I worked hard on so I cried. She said, "You're so dramatic. Stop acting like such a diva." I wasn't being dramatic or a diva but I was just upset about the way she was talking about a paper that I wrote that I thought was good with all of the work that I put into it.

Question #82: What is one modern-day convenience that you did not have as a child that was easy to live without?

- I would have to say that it was a cellphone. I didn't have a cellphone until I was in the seventh grade and it was so easy to live my life without it. A lot of people that I knew had a cellphone and I thought it was cool that they did but I mainly spent my time on the computer so I didn't see the big deal about it. Even when I was little, I didn't really care much for it because I could do anything I wanted on the computer and it worked faster than a phone. I could also download all the games that I wanted to play on the computer and you couldn't have done that with the phone because it would cost you money and your phone bill would go up.

Now, I have an iPhone 8 and I can hardly put it down.

Question #83: What grade in elementary school did you enjoy most?

- I enjoyed pre-k the most because we would get to take naps throughout the day and everything was so fun. Recess was the best part of it pre-k! I vaguely remember how pre-k went for me but I know that I enjoyed it a lot. The beds that we had to sleep on when we took our naps took a while to get used to but I was glad that I could at least take an hour nap after playing with my friends on the playground.

Question #84: What were you called when you were younger and how did you feel about it?

- I used to get called "crybaby" a lot when I was younger because I would cry a lot whenever I was upset. The main reason I would cry was that I had a hard time expressing my emotions in words so I would just cry to show how upset I was instead of talking about it. I got made fun of a lot for it.

In sixth grade, I got called "monkey face" a lot by one particular person. I thought that it was very rude of the person to say and it did hurt my feelings but I did my best to hide it because I didn't want that person to see how upset it would make me whenever they called me that. Another thing that person would say is, "Do you want a banana monkey face?"

Question #85: What book had the biggest influence on you?

- There are a lot of books that had an influence on me while I was growing up. It's hard to decide which book had the biggest influence on me but I would say that it was The Little House on the Prairie series. It really gave me an insight on how life was like back then and how women and men were treated differently because of what society expected from them. It was hard to believe that it was all based on a true story until I looked more into it and got further into the series. I got so invested into the series that I started watching the TV show that was based on the book series. I wished that I still had those books. Maybe I should go start buying the books from the series...

This is all for the questions for this part! These questions were very interesting and I had a good time answering them, even the one about the names I was called when I was younger. The questions allow me to reflect on either how I want the future to go or how my past was and I like that these questions really make me think about that.

I hope that you all enjoyed reading this part! I will be uploading the next part of the Get To Know series next week!

~ See you next time! ~

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