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  • Writer's pictureLanese Dell

Questions: Part Six

Hey guys! This is part six of my Get To Know series on here! I've been super busy with schoolwork and my job so I've been doing that most of the day. I'm working ahead since I'm going to go see my aunt and uncle this weekend. The original plan was to go home but that isn't happening due to the weather where I live. I hope you guys enjoy this series of questions for this blog post!

Question #26: What about being a child do you miss the most?

- For this one, I would have to say the innocence. Because at that age, you don't know the evils in the world. All you really cared about was playing with your friends and watching Care Bears, Dora the Explorer, and a whole bunch of other weird and fun kids shows. Well, at least that's all I cared about. I only had three friends when I lived in California and the number grew a little when I first moved to North Carolina.

Question #27: What do you wish you had started to learn as a kid?

- I wish that my parents continued with putting me in ballet classes. They took me out because I had a really hard time in the class. I could do what I had to do but I wasn't up to par for my age with my talking skills at that age. I also wished that I learned the piano at a young age. I know how to play the violin, a little bit of the cello, and a little bit of the viola, but the piano is such a beautiful instrument in itself and you can play amazing pieces on there.

Question #28: What tokens of your childhood do you wish you had saved?

- I don't really remember everything that I had at a super young age. I gave my stuffed animals to my cousin but I don't really wish that I had saved those. Most of the toys that I had from when I was younger are in boxes in the garage anyways so I technically saved all of them.

Question #29: Did you enjoy physical education in school?

- Um, it was alright. Everybody thought I was in shape because of how skinny I was but that wasn't true at all. I wasn't in good shape. The only reason why it seemed that way was because my metabolism was super high back then and it still is to this day. Because we did a lot of exercises, it made it even harder for me to gain weight so I didn't enjoy it at all whenever we had to do that.

Question #30: What were your hobbies?

- My hobbies were writing, reading, and playing games on my Nintendo DS and computer. I enjoyed playing outside with my old best friend but once she moved away, I didn't really go outside. Oh, I also enjoyed playing on the Wii with my family. I haven't played any of my Wii games in so long though. I may have forgotten how to play them!!

~ See you next time! ~

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