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  • Writer's pictureLanese Dell

Questions: Part Twenty-One

Hello everyone!

I'm back to uploading my articles on time. I'm going to do my best to definitely stick to my schedule from now on, especially since April is going to be a really busy month for me and then May is when I have finals for my classes. The semester has gone by so fast and I'm already excited for the Fall semester to start!

But before I get into the questions, I have an important announcement to make! My first story for the News Section of Niner Times just got posted today! I will be posting the article from that on Wednesday, just like I did for my Counseling Center story that sadly got scrapped.

I'm super excited for everybody to read it! Now, onto the questions!

Question #101: Name five childhood accomplishments.

-1) I got on the A honor roll twice in fourth grade

-2) I got my first two Webkinz and one of them was a terrier and the other one was a pig.

-3) I made a best friend that was in my first grade class at W.T. Brown elementary school.

-4) I got a dog in elementary school. RIP Sydney Dell.

-5) I had my first "boyfriend" in third grade.

Question #102: Did you have any pets?

- Yeah, I did. The first one that I remembered was Sox and she was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She was a good dog but we had to use the classic excuse that 'My dog ate my homework' because she actually did. I don't understand why she would eat paper...weird dog. Sox ran away when we still lived in California. The second one that I remembered and had until she passed away was Sydney Dell. She was an extremely well-behaved dog and everybody in our family loved her. I still miss her to this day but it gets easier as each day goes on.

Question #103: How did you find out that boys and girls are different?

- I'm not exactly sure when I found this out. I think that it was either I found out through school from one of the workshops they had us do or my parents told me.

Question #104: What advice do you wish you had taken from your parents?

- I don't really talk to my parents about issues or anything like that so I haven't really had the need to take advice from them or ask them for advice about something that I'm going through or have an issue with. The one advice that I did take from my dad and use is to be selfish with my life. I have one life to live and I have to make the most of it and do what I want to do first and take care of myself before I worry about anybody else, especially when it comes to my career and education.

Question #105: What was a frightening event from your childhood?

- The most frightening event would have to be from when I injured my finger due to a dare that my sister Ana made me do. I believe it took a total of three months for my finger to heal and I remember there being a lot of blood when I pulled my finger out from the metal blades in the vacuum. All I could do was scream for my dad who was working in the backyard and I put my left hand around my right ring finger to put pressure but it hurt so bad so then I stopped. Oof, just thinking about it now gives me goosebumps!

These are all of the questions for this part! It seems that most of these questions related to my childhood which can be hard to answer depending on what the question is specifically asking. The one that I struggled with the most is naming five of my childhood accomplishments.

I hope that everyone enjoyed reading this article! The next part for this series will be uploaded next Sunday! I also hope that everyone has had a wonderful weekend!

~ See you next time! ~

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