The second week of classes have just finished! It's been a super busy and crazy week but I managed to get through it.
I started my Print Lab Assistant job on Monday and it was so boring and the girl that was training me told me to bring schoolwork because of how slow it usually is unless it's finals or midterms. I started doing that on Tuesday and it has helped out with being ahead in school so much! I've finished my Statistics homework 1 so all I have to do for that class is my test review and homework 2. I can thank my teacher for helping me on completing that assignment.
I have an assignment due on Tuesday for Spanish but I think that I'm going to work on that over the weekend if possible. I'm also debating on whether or not to start reading chapter 2 for my Communication theory class so I can be ahead. I may do that but I'm not for sure yet.
I'm also thinking about doing the same thing for my Liberal Studies class. I'm going to do everything I can to stay ahead in my classes this semester. I'm doing pretty good at it so far. I also have to start on module two for my online class. The online class is super easy so I'm not too worried about it and I can start taking the test for that class on February 20th.
I went to my first basketball game on Thursday. The men's basketball team were playing against University of Southern Miss. I made a bet that Southern Miss was going to win and I was right. They beat Charlotte 63 to 60. It was a really good game though and I enjoyed it a lot. I may go to the basketball game later on today but I'm not too sure on that just yet.
I can't wait to be done with my prerequisites for my major and be able to officially declare it!
I also went to the Japanese Anime and Manga Society meeting on Wednesday. It was a lot of fun actually. There's going to be another one on Wednesday and we're going to vote on a movie for movie night on Saturday. I'm excited to see what movie we're going to watch!
I started on the scholarship application that my dad sent me yesterday. I'm almost done with it and I'm just waiting on my high school to get back to me on my transcript and for a former teacher of mine at FTCC to write the recommendation letter. I'm hoping to get this scholarship since I didn't get it last year. It'll help out with paying for school.
Next week is going to be such a short week but I know that I'm still going to be busy no matter what. I hope that it doesn't get too stressful. To anybody that's in college, I wish you the best in your studies and always work hard towards what you want to do in life!
~ See you next time! ~