Hello everyone! I'm really sorry about missing last week's post. I completely forgot about it while working on my schoolwork and attending a meeting for my internship. I will do my best to make up for that in this week's blog post.
Nothing much has really changed besides me always working on schoolwork and taking a lot of time to work on posts for my internship with the accounts that I'm managing. It's been a lot of work with managing both the Facebook and Twitter posts for the accounts of universities that I'm working on. I've already exceeded the max hours I can work during a single week and I'm hoping that it doesn't affect too negatively since we were told in last week's meeting that we can't go over them. I've added up how many hours I'll have for this week and if I stay at the max of 15 and times it by my hourly pay and my paycheck would be close to $470 before taxes get taken out. I'm hoping that this next paycheck will help me be able to put some money into my savings since I haven't done that since I've moved into my apartment in August.
My sister, her fiance, and the dog that they're taking care of, Drake, came down this weekend. They were coming down so Drake's owners could spend some time with him since they haven't seen him in such a long time. It was so nice to see how excited he was to see his owners and you could tell that they genuinely missed each other. They kept him overnight and Ana is supposed to meet up with them today to get him. We were out and about basically all day yesterday though. We went to Target twice, Food Lion, Spirit Halloween, Hobby Lobby, IKEA, McDonald's, and Que Onda. I did quite a bit of spending yesterday but I do get paid this week so I'll be able to cover all of the spendings that I've done. It wouldn't have been so much on my card if I didn't have to buy a mini fridge/freezer.
Speaking of the mini-fridge/freezer, it arrived at my apartment on Monday and I'm glad that I finally have it in my room. It was such a rollercoaster of getting it up into my apartment and my roommate was able to help me out with it which I'm glad about it. I don't have much food in it besides what is in the freezer. It's mainly of drinks since I don't want all of my drinks to take up space in the fridge in the kitchen. I'll probably put some more food in it sooner or later but I would have to take time to figure that out so I already know that it's going to be a while before that happens. I'm pretty much good on groceries for now so I'm not too worried about having to buy groceries right now so I can't use that as a way to fill up the mini-fridge/freezer.
Also, one of the things that I bought at the IKEA store was a fake Christmas tree, Christmas ornaments, and a Christmas reef. I'm so happy that I have it but then I thought of the idea of being able to decorate it throughout the various seasons/holidays that occur during the year. So, when we were at Hobby Lobby, I bought orange and black ornaments, mini pumpkins, and mini LED lights for the fake Christmas tree. I finished decorating it last night and I even had the lights on while I went to bed and it was sooo cool and it didn't distract me too much from being able to fall asleep like I thought it might. We did have to stop by Target to get paper clips since the ornaments from Hobby Lobby didn't come with anything to hang it up on the fake Christmas tree. It took me quite a while to do that but it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would since the paper clips were pretty big. I cut a little bit of half of the paper clip when it's stretched out and then I twisted it where I had the scissors since it was the weak spot and it was able to be torn it half in that way so it wasn't a huge risk of me being injured. I will probably have to buy pink or purple ornaments sometime in the future so I can decorate it during the spring. I'm definitely going to wait on that when it gets closer to December since the sales and deals are a lot better during the holiday season.
Now, in terms of school, this week we're at midterms. I know that my week of doing these blog posts is a bit off from what is on the schedule but that's due to when I started doing these blog posts so they're going to remain a bit off until the end of the semester. I only have midterms for two of my classes which I'm glad about. I honestly don't think I'd be prepared to do midterms for all 4 of my classes. The classes that I have midterms for are my Media Law and Mass Media classes. I'm going to start doing the studying tonight if I have enough time but I do have some notes that I need to finish for my Public Advocacy class and I also have to start my readings for my Presidency class. So, this is probably going to be one of my most stressful weeks out of the entire semester besides when finals come around. I have a feeling that I'm going to do well on my midterm for Media Law but I'm unsure about Mass Media since that class tends to stress me out the most. We don't really take notes on the class when the professor is lecturing and just discuss the readings. I would imagine that the midterm would be solely based on that due to how she discussed about it in our last class but I'm not sure. I'm sure that she is going to clear that up when we meet up for the class on Tuesday.
Well, this blog post is getting quite long and I can't really think of anything else to type for this without sounding like I'm rambling so I'm going to go ahead and end the blog post here.
Until next time!~